Connective T/issue


Home 9 Project 9 Connective T/issue


Curated by: Cris Derksen and Sidonie Adamson
Video Editor: Cameron Anderson

Performers: Cris Derksen and Sido Adamson
Title of Pieces: New Heya, Eider Ducks
Title of Music: New Heya, Eider Ducks
Videographer: Cameron Anderson
Lighting Designer: Taylor Jansen

Performers: Sonny-Ray Day Rider, and Noeli Acoba
Title of Piece: Elementerra
Title of Music: Water Spirit/Our Blood Mother, Elementerra
Videographer: Bani Logroño/Amanda Simon

Performers: Eliot Briton and Erin Ball
Title of Piece: EB² – Sparkle Cannon Shuffle
Title of Music: Ambient Ships
Title of Music: Sparkle Cannon Shuffle
Videographer: Bon Evans
Access Consultation: Alex Bulmer
Choreography Consultation: Jane Kirby
Fiddle: Eliot Britton

Performers: Andrew Balfour and Matt Bagshaw
Title of Piece: 2 paychecks
Title of Music: Standing Reserve
Videographer: Cameron Anderson
Lighting Designer: Taylor Jansen
Helper 1: Sido Adamson
Helper 2: Katheryn Isfeld
Star of the Show: Cyr wheel

Performers: Geronimo Inutiq and Sam Hollis
Videographer: Chase Levy

Performers: Ian Cusson and Kasha Konaka
Title of Piece: Where There’s A Wall
Title of Music: Where There’s A Wall (Bird Song, Grief Poem, Offerings)
Singer: Midori Marsh
Piano: Ian Cusson
Poetry: Joy Kogawa
Toronto Production (of the music): Victor Pokinko

Curated and hosted by Cris Derksen and Sido Adamson

A reprise of the 2021 TRANSFORM Cabaret Festival production

Six pairs of artists from across the continent present collaborative digital works that explore our common threads and the barriers that divide us. Combining award-winning Indigenous composers and world-class circus performers, Connective T/issue is a collection of short films and digital performance pieces shown through the various lenses that keep us connected.